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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Defaulting RPS agents in India, and some info on Killick and Ind-Aust

As most of my seafaring and shipping friends in India should know, shipping companies and agents are prohibited by law from preventing or detering seafarers from gaining employment, and most certainly entities like FOSMA, MASSA and INSA and agency or ship-owning companies under them cannot use, as per Rule 3(d) ""no means, mechanism or list is used with the intention to prevent or deter seafarers from gaining employment.""

Here is the url:-

Read the whole thing but also please see 3-d, and in this case, in a similar related case relating to Killick Marine, whose RPS licence was expiring on the 17th of October 2011, and it is likely that the complaint about Killick Marine had been placed before that date.

58 Mumbai M/S. KILLICK MARINE SERVICES LTD., MUMBAI 9, Commercial Union House, 2nd Floor, 9, Wallace Street, Fort, Mumbai - 400001. -- RPSL-MUM-039 18.10.2006 17.10.2011


In addition, over the last few days, I have received copies of letters written by some companies to other companies "black-listing" seafarers. Along with this, I have received information about non-payment of dues, bad behaviour, demand of bribes by recruiting officers as well as others, and similar.

This blog proposes to start its own "Now Investigating List" of defaulting agencies and owners, and the opening names for "NIL companies" are:-

1) Killick Marine / Mumbai / RPS MUM 039
2) Ind-Aust / Mumbai /

More details will follow, as well as specific complaints.

All seafarers with complaints against agencies and shipowners in India are encouraged to get in touch with the undersigned in confidence.

Jai Hind, for better shipping from India!!

(ps: Just received a phone call from some chump saying that "Farshid Savaksha who is GM of Killick Marine in Mumbai has told me to tell you to remove Killick Marine's name from the list. Or . . .")

Or what else, chump? I actually want Farshid Savaksha's parents, family, friends, children and neighbours, and everybody else who knows him, to read this - Farshid Savaksha was and is responsible for ruining the career of a decent human being, and will now soon pay, in this world and the next, for his sins.

kêm-nâ mazdâ mavaitê pâyûm dadât
hyat mâ dregvå dîdareshatâ aênanghê
anyêm thwahmât âthrascâ mananghascâ
ýayå shyaothanâish ashem thraoshtâ ahurâ
tãm môi dãstvãm daênayâi frâvaocâ.


To quote:-
The Respondents knew well that the DG Shipping is in very truth the statutory guardian of the Indian Shipping Industry, and guards jealously the standing of Indian seamen. To such an Officer an appeal invoking the larger interests of Indian shipping and Seamen could be nothing short of a provocation, a provocation to intervene and ensure Divekar's blacklisting. . . read on:-

It took Capt. Divekar 10-11 years to get justice, but at the end, despite lack of any support from the Unions or DG Shipping, he did get it. For years, we have been hearing about shipping agencies maintaining "blacklists" of Indian seafarers, especially in cases where seafarers who had not been paid, or had been sent to work on unseaworthy ships, or similar, chose to demand their rights. Now copies of these so-called "blacklists" are out in the open, and in most cases, reflect nothing more than the personal opinions based on petty desperation and revenge that some of these so-called "agencies" put out - in some cases almost like blackmail weapons against Indian seafarers. In this case, Killick Marine, one of the so-called oldest and most reputed agencies, is one of the respondents.

Some of us have made a recomendation to the DG Shipping in Mumbai and the Ministry of Shipping in Delhi, as well as to certain private trusts associated with Killick Marine's personnel in this case, to suspend Killick Marine's RPS licence till this investigation on how they ruined the life of Capt. Deepak Divekar is completed.

We urge you to read this 100 page submission. A copy of the award shall be placed online soon, but interim, the big question here is this:- who is spoiling the name of Indian seafarers, the corrupt amongst the agency companies where the truth on maritime recruitment is well known globally . . . or the poor suffering Indian seafarer who has to face battle at every step from training and recruitment onwards?

YOU be the judge.


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