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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Enrica Lexie - what lessons should we learn?

This is the 4th article by me on the subject of the Enrica Lexie/St Antony episode.

The first three are also on this blog as well as linked through the main pages at http;//

Incidentally, the pressure on me to stop writing or change my stance is extremely high, including veiled threats. Such is life. Such us shipping, too.

Please do read the articles as well as many of the interacts and responses, they are truly informative.

Your views and comments, publicly here or privately to me, will be appreciated and identites protected as always.

1 comment:

  1. For the first time I am with kerala CM. If something is happening on our coastline, should state owned force remain tranquil till centre force arrival. Justice can be executed by centre or state force. Now will centre act wisely to punish Italian culprits?
